Whether you fancy a spa day at a Roman Bathouse, shopping in the Old Towne marketplace, family time at the arcade, enjoying the local fair or searching for collectables out by the old Druid ruins. The serial code for Sims 3: Hidden Springs is located on the back of the manual that came with the game. This code is for the free limited edition and Origin exclusive store content. Most of the time, you’ll also find a 16 letters (4 blocks with 4 letters). While much of the wall is now in ruins there is still much to do in this bustlling town. The serial code for the game has 20 letters (5 blocks with 4 letters). 2.Click on the orange NEXT button 3.Select a platform 4.Click on the orange NEXT button 5.Select a topic and describe your problem in a few words 6.Click on the orange NEXT button 7. Situated along the banks of great river picturesque Thicket was once a great walled city. Enter the 16-letter code (this is not for 20-letter codes) and click on Submitġ.
Go to your purchase history to download the world (make sure your game is updated to the newest version) Home Our Pastor Give Online Thanks for Your Contribution Media.Enter the 16-letter code, accept the Policies and click on Redeem.Go to your account page: (site will ask for your password again).
If you redeemed the code in origin then if you go to redeem it on the sims3 account you may get an invalid/used code message if that happens you'll need to contact CS Worlds are download from your the sims 3 account the code if bought from origin is redeemed on your the sims 3 account download and installed from there it is not downloaded nor will it be in the origin my games tabs as it is a store item in the sims 3 site also there will be no short cut icon or launcher icon for the world it will be found once download and installed in the main menu plus new game to select the world to start playing in you'll still play from whatever game you normally play from